Hamilton universe

Archive for August 2008

The end result, originally uploaded by shannon_o.

John deere hair cutting chair, originally uploaded by shannon_o.

Aidan choose the tractor chair for his cut. He could have had a car, a pony, dumbo, a schoolbus. It was nice to visit a business that really caters to little folks.

Professional cut, originally uploaded by shannon_o.

Getting a haircut, originally uploaded by shannon_o.

Welcome to ft. Crib, originally uploaded by shannon_o.

Let’s play, originally uploaded by shannon_o.

Its moneky see monkey do around these parts these days.

Hello world!, originally uploaded by shannon_o.

Nursey, originally uploaded by shannon_o.

It may soon be over.

Her favorite meal, originally uploaded by shannon_o.

Mac n cheese

a trip to the past, originally uploaded by shannon_o.

' now he's almost 5.

  • None
  • Gramsey: I love seeing the pictures of Ariana at her school. She seems to having a ball. I am glad she has some sand to play with. LTA
  • Gramsey: They look like they are having so much fun. LTA Gramsey
